New Central High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota - 1913

Central High School

New Central High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota - 1913

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In Memory of Deceased 1959 Classmates

We only have documentation for those shown with a date of death. The others have been reported to us but we lack any appropriate documentation. We would appreciate receiving any information (such as an obituary or date and location of death) you have about those that do not include a date of death.

Mpls Central High - Class Query School Name
Richard Alfton     2/23/2021
Ruth (Parker) Alstrup     12/21/2009

Loren "Buddy" Barbero     1/18/1989
Jack Bjerk     12/23/2017
Bruce Bloom     7/30/2004
Marvin Bloomgren     6/11/2012
Harold Booker     6/25/2003
Linda (Blandin) Brooks     1/5/2002
Roger Brunes     12/1/2018
Clarence Burton
Vernon Bye     12/21/2006

W. Scott Carlson     8/21/2008

Todd Davison     5/30/1997
Dennis Detjen     9/10/2012
George DeWilde     3/1/2003
James Doty     11/6/1995

Dion (Horsch) Felt     4/1/2008
Sharon Few     2/23/2012
Jack Ficker     2/13/2009
Arlene (King) Foth     5/20/2015

Donna (McGuire) Gates     10/3/2005
Judy Gray
John Green     6/2/2011

Peter Halden     11/4/2015
Patrick Hankey     8/3/1998
Duane Hansen     7/16/2014
Wynn Hanson     8/3/1994
Chuck Hollom     4/28/2020
Joe Howard     10/31/2012

Kenneth Ingram     3/17/2019
Douglas Isely

Darrell Jensen     8/26/2020
Gerald Johnson     4/1/2016
Janet (Zahn) Johnson     3/21/2022
Karin Ekvall (Sommer) Johnson     2/8/2019
Marshall Johnson     8/19/2000
Barbara (Bender) Johnstad     9/1/2022

Judy Keske
Dean Konietzko     5/5/1996
Katherine (Ness) Kopel     8/1/2005
Nileen Kreitz     8/20/1973

Dick Lamb     12/8/1983
Gary Lester     10/7/2008
Bonnie Lund
Eileen Lund
Rochelle Lundberg     6/6/2001

Melvin Madsen     3/9/2017
Dawn (McClintock) Marihart     10/30/2008
Bradley Gene Mattson     5/20/2015
Ralph May     7/23/2012
Gary McEvoy     9/2/1967
Richard Miller     10/23/2009
Sharon (Nugent) Mitchell     5/28/2019
Robert Morrow
Philip Mortenson     6/21/2015

Doris (Radke) Nelson

Jack O'Donnell     12/4/1977
Karen Olsen     11/7/2012
Mary (Swanson) Olson     12/1/2020
Roger Omlid     12/28/2022
Gerald Oys     9/27/2017

Nick Pappas     2/1/2020
Mary (Wegars) Pappin     5/20/2007
Gerald Patek     2/9/1981
Ruth (Davison) Porietis     5/15/2003

Bette (Funk) Rice     5/7/2022
Leslie Verne Ripka     5/9/2021
Ellard Rossing     10/4/1987
Gary "Mike" Rygg     11/23/2020

Joan M. (Ficker) Schaefer     5/22/2021
William Schinzel     11/1/2008
David Scribner     9/14/2012
Gerald Sewell     5/21/2014
J. William "Bill" Shanahan     8/2/1993
Tom Sherman     6/9/2020
Alvin Singleton     1/3/1999
Dorothy (Tschantz) Smith     10/20/2020
Richard Snesrud     2/22/2013
Robert Stai     11/19/2007
Arthur Strauman     6/7/1993
John Strom     9/29/2009
William P. Stuart     4/30/2006
Susan (Remarcik) Swanson     2/1/1998

Diane (Keenan) Thompson     1/26/2017
James Thompson     3/26/2011
Paul Thompson     5/29/2009
Henry Truesdell     6/7/1994

Meredythe (Frazier) Wallace     3/3/1979
Connie (Bryan) Wickland     10/27/1977
Myron R Willett Jr.     3/1/2010
John Williver     7/18/2005
Terry Wilson     4/1/2007
Kent Woehrle     5/23/1998
Betty (Endicott) Wolden     8/19/1989
Chuck Woods     1/30/2010

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